T-Rex TONEBUG Distortion


€ 19.67

Distorsore per chitarra

2 disponibili

Scheda prodotto

distorsore per chitarra – quando negli anni ’60 i chitarristi iniziarono a sperimentare la distorsione, portarono la musica rock ad una nuova dimensione. i primi tentativi furono piuttosto rozzi, alcuni chitarristi cercarono di ottenere un suono “fuzzy” addirittura con dei tagli sui coni dei loro amplificatori. in seguito i produttori di amplificatori iniziarono a capire come inserire un “overdrive” grazie a un segnale caldo proveniente dal preamplificatore. il tonebug distortion è un pedale fantastico che da una distorsione ricca, simile a quella valvolare ripicamente rock. questo pedale è semplicissimo da usare grazie ai suoi controlli molto intuitivi – controlli: gain + tone + level – switches: on/off.

let there be distortion…
when guitarists in the early ’60s started experimenting with distortion, it took rock music to a whole new level. the earliest attempts were crude, with some guitarists even slitting their amp speakers to get a “fuzzy” sound. but amplifier makers eventually figured out how “overdrive” a main amp with a hot signal from a preamp to bring true distortion to the world of rock.

simply classic
tonebug distortion is a phenomenal-sounding pedal that delivers gobs of rich, tubey-sounding distortion you’ll recognise instantly as a fundamental ingredient of classic guitar rock. and it couldn’t be easier to use. a simple gain knob lets you choose how dirty you want to get, while a tone knob lets you tune the timbre of your distortion – from a muted bluesy crunch to a searing wail that’ll slice through anything in its way.

t-rex tone
like our tonebug reverb and overdrive pedals, tonebug distortion delivers the same legendary t-rex tone that’s made our top-end products a fixture on the pedal boards of guitar greats around the world (see our website for recent t-rex sightings). that, combined with cool retro design and rugged constr tion, makes tonebug distortion a pedal you just won’t want to play without.

use the gain knob to set the amount of distortion (turn it up for a dirtier sound).

use the tone knob to “tune” your distortion to just the right timbre.

set the overall volume of your distorted sound with the level knob.

technical specifications
input impedance@1khz
higher than 1m ohm
output impedance@1khz lower than 1k ohm
power supply 9v dc
minimum power supply voltage 8v dc
maximum power supply voltage 12,5v dc
current draw @ 9v dc 7 ma
maximum input signal vp/p 3,2vp/p
battery type 9v battery 6f22 alkaline
battery life 12 to 16 hour
external connectors
input jack. output jack, 9v dc jack
(center pin negative)
controls on/off, level, gain, tone
size box depth 120 mm
width 78 mm
height 60 mm